I. Keep America Beautiful
a. Committee/Volunteers Formed
b. Ride around
i. 128.2 Miles
c. Service Project: new business to be completed at a later date
II. Committees
a. Policy/Admin Update
i. Certified Green Business: committee regrouping and getting an action plan together
ii. Highway Cleanup Act of 2021: Chris Guffey is looking into what 2022 looks like in regard to this bill.
b. Marketing Update
i. Travel Guide Spotlight
ii. Icc Science and Technology Expo – 4/8Yard Signs
iii. Shirts/Stickers
iv. Green Scholarship – due 3/31: Scholarship funded by Brock Heflin and Andrew Tisdale.
v. RecycleBot Challenge – 3/28-4/15
vi. Earth Day – 4/22
vii. CRSP Homeschool Day – 4/27
viii. Public Art: Creating birds from trash
ix. Donation Signs
c. Litter Update
i. Tarp Your Load
ii. Spring 2022 Pick Up – April 2022 – volunteer NCDOT Spring litter sweep is April 16 th -30th
iii. Paid Litter Pick Up 150 Miles: finalizing list after this meeting and will present
results at next full committee meeting.
III. 2022-2023 Budget
a. TDA is proposing 40k in their budget
b. Towns and County to support.
i. TDA office sending letters for request of funds to towns and county.
Jenna has a draft letter we can modify.
IV. Next meeting
a. Marketing – March 30 th , 10am
b. Litter – Working groups every Friday in April, 9am Woodrow Jones
c. Full Committee – May 19 th , 2pm