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Certified Green Business


Certified Green Business (CGB) Standards

Being a Certified Green Business is Smart Business. Show your community and customers you have profits with a purpose. It is a clear way to announce that you care about sustainability and are committed to taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations. It means that your business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.

Qualifying businesses can become a KRCB Certified Green Business in one of four tiers -

PLATINUM, by committing to 12 of the following initiatives and a minimum donation of $5,000 to Sponsor-a-Pickup, Sponsor-a-Educational Partnership and/or the Green Scholarship Fund and sign the green promise

GOLD, by committing to 10 of the following initiatives and a minimum donation of $2,500 to Sponsor-a-Pickup, Sponsor-a-Educational Partnership and/or the Green Scholarship Fund and sign the green promise

SILVER, by committing to 8 of the following initiatives and a minimum donation of $1,000 to the general Keep RC Beautiful fund and sign the green promise

BRONZE, by committing to 5 of the following initiatives and a minimum donation of $500 to the general Keep RC Beautiful fund and sign the green promise

COMRADE, by committing to 2 of the following initiatives and a minimum donation of $250 to the general Keep RC Beautiful fund and sign the green promise


  • A voice on the Certified Green Business committee

  • Title of a “Certified Green Business” and remains in effect for one year (fiscal year)

  • A 3” adhesive emblem for prominent display on the door or service counter

  • Icon for social media statement or website

  • Business highlights - Quarterly press release, website, social media

STEP 1: Sign the Green Promise

  • LEARN - I will find out if my business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.

  • ACT - Within the next month, my business will comply with regulations and reduce the amount of waste we produce, recycle more and prevent litter.

  • SHARE - In the next month, I will encourage another Rutherford County business to take the #CertifiedGreen promise.

Being a Certified Green Business is Smart Business.


Show your community and customers you have profits with a purpose. It is a clear way to announce that you care about sustainability and are committed to taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations. It means that your business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.

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