Present: J. Kilgo, J. Bailey, C. Poole, M. Moyer, G. Moyer, T. Hardin, D. Cason, K. Tegen, S. Gilbert, D. Bradley
Not Present: Chelsea Rush, S. Rzonca, B. Teague, S. Webber, D. Barrick, B. Yelton, C. Francis, J. Chapman, K. Powell, S. Weeks
Others Present: E. Ostertag
Litter Pick-up committee update was given by Dana Bradley
Next p/u of year to be held in October 10-13.
There were 634 participants in the April pick up.
Over 500 volunteer hours.
620 bags of trash were collected.
5.73 tons of trash was reported by county collections.
Marketing Committee update was given by Jenna Bailey
Moyers did the outreach for the pick up.
Daily FB posts were done prior to pick up.
Sign-up genius was used for the registration for pick up.
An article appeared in the Daily Courier.
Email Blasts were sent.
The suggestion of a “Trash Bowl” akin to the “Super Bowl” was suggested for fall for HS students.
It was suggested that the Courier run a weekly or bi-weekly article about the different clean up groups.
Administrative Committee meeting update was presented by Don Cason
Need to establish county-wide litter policies.
Doug presented a funding proposal to town managers.
Need to form a 501C3 (Karen will try to contact Wake Forest Law to do pro-bono work.
Action Items
Committee voted unanimously to allow the use of “On behalf of the entire KRCB Committee” on any future mailings/official forms.
Committee voted to approve 2019-2020 Budget with the stipulation that funds may be able to be transferred between line items.
Next meeting: June 6th at 2:00 pm at the Woodrow Jones Bldg. Community Room