Attendees: Jenna Baily, Janet Mason, Chris Guffey, Brock Hefflin, Mr. and Mrs. Moyer, Jess Kerr, Clark Poole, Don Cason, Taylor Hardin and Emily Ostertag
Marketing Committee Report
Green Scholarship recipient received half of her award for the coming Fall semester.
There was a final photo shoot with Roxi and Rocki at Kiwanis Park in May.
Press Release was written for the Spring Litter Sweep totals and participants.
The release was used in two stories, one in the Daily Courier and one in Rutherford Weekly, which included calls-to-action.
KRCB is working to become an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful.
Marketing Committee is meeting again next week.
Green business initiative being planned. Current partners include: American Zinc Products, Rutherford Outdoor Coalition, etc.
The website is being redesigned to include minutes, blogs and press releases.
KRCB will be at Party in the Park at Kiwanis Park.
Litter Committee Report
5 high schools have been invited to participate in the Fall Trash Bowl
This Fall’s Litter Sweep will be a combined event with the Trash Bowl, where individuals and teams of volunteers will drop their bags off at their respective high school’s designated dumpster
The Fall Sweep and Trash Bowl will be happening in conjunction with the NCDOT Litter Sweep happening Sept. 11-25th
KRCB had gotten recognition from an environmental organization out of Winston-Salem for its Recycle Bot and T.H.I.N.K. sculpture projects
Administrative Committee Report
Trash Bowl
NCDOT Litter Sweep: Sept 11-25
Roxi at games: 8/27 (RS and East), 9/3 (TJ and Chase)
Volunteers needed to man the tables are each event. 4 volunteers are needed at each school from 6:30 to 9pm.
21-22 Budget
Fundraising opportunities
Around $30,000 in total, including funds given by Rutherfordton, Spindale and Forest City
Keep America Beautiful
This organization generates $1 billion in economic value for the communities it serves, and offers programs and services including grant opportunities.
Mascot Recruitment for Rocki
KRCB needs a new Rocki to volunteer at events and represent KRCB.
Cycle NC event
Cycle routes have been inspected for litter and are relatively clean. Some grass needs to be cut before the event.
NC DOT provided an update on overall roadside trash collection throughout the state o In general, litter is being discussed more as it has become more of a problem. There is growing awareness.
Next Meeting Date: Thursday Sept. 9th at 2pm