Present: Chris Guffey, Jenna Bailey, Jess Kerr, Engle Troxler, Scott Webber, James Kilgo
Jess gave a Litter Sweep Review.
Jenna is going to go onto Sign-Up Genius to change sign up times to specific weeks, not specific days.
Discussion was held on editing the paid litter pick up list. Chris G. let the group know that the NCDOT will now be able to pick up the 10 mile stretch on Golden Valley Church Rd. to Bostic. Also Hwy 64 from WT Wilkins Rd. to Bills Creek Rd.
New Recommendations: Hudlow Rd. entire, Whiteside’s Rd. entire, Golden Valley Church Rd., entire, Rock Springs Rd. entire,. Remove anything under 2 miles.
Jess discussed the trash word installations. Emily Ostertag (RCTDA) has 3 rolls of chicken wire to donate. ICC to donate bamboo sticks. Jenna suggests installation be left up for 1 month. Jess will produce some signs to explain what they are.
Scott recommends one be placed near the Rail Trail in Spindale. Needs to be run by town board for approval March 15th.
Town of Rutherfordton will allow KRCB to place one on Cleghorn.
Discussion on Trash Bowl. Committee will have to wait until fall to revisit at a later date.
Trashbots: Jenna working on that contest. Wanted to have someone do outreach to Trinity and TJCA. Jess will contact them. Jenna shared photos of the last litterbot contest and suggests it just be a virtual contest this year.
Jenna wants to know if there were letters sent out to local leaders to ask them to lead a clean-up team. Jenna will be sending out the form letters for everyone to use as talking points if people need them.