Litter sub-committee meeting
In attendance: James Kilgo, Scott Webber, Jenna Bailey, Jess Kerr, George and Marian Moyer, Doug Barrick, Taylor Hardin
Trash Bowl September 11-25
Fall state litter sweep is during the same time.
Teams will coordinate roadside cleanup and can take trash to the school of their choice to count in their numbers for the trash bowl.
Republic has committed to 7 trash receptacles.
Waste Management to go around and check the receptacles for roadside trash.
Marketing materials to align with the trash bowl: Road signs (with quirky sayings), flyers, etc. Banner at the winning school.
Students participating in the trash bowl makes them eligible for the scholarship program.
The schools participating are:
1) East – 8/27 6pm-9pm
2) RS Central – 8/27 6pm-9pm
3) Chase – 9/3 6pm-9pm
4) Thomas Jefferson – 9/3 6pm-9pm
5) Lake Lure Classical
6) Masters Academy
7) Trinity
Roxi will be at the high school football games on the dates listed above. Volunteers needed for the times listed.
Potential to ask a student "mascot in training" to possibly take on the role of Rocky at games.
Prior to the trash Bowl, Roxi will make a big deal about going to Thomas Jefferson to retrieve the trophy.
Green Business Standard will be kicked off by the time of the trash bowl. The goal is for the individual businesses to be a part of this clean up initiative and clean up their own properties.
Think Sculptures are reaching other counties and working into their inspirations for their cleanup programs.
KRCB T-shirts to be recreated.
Scholarship winner, Emma Rodgers, to create a video for KRCB.
Looking into expanding social media outreach: Instagram, tik tok, youtube, etc.
Asking committee members to reach out to past and prospective team leaders for a chat about upcoming littler pickups.