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August 4, 2021 - Keep RC Beautiful Litter Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes (Spindale House)

Keep RC Beautiful Staff

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Litter sub-committee meeting

In attendance: James Kilgo, Scott Webber, Jenna Bailey, Jess Kerr, George and Marian Moyer, Doug Barrick, Taylor Hardin


  • Trash Bowl September 11-25

  • Fall state litter sweep is during the same time.

  • Teams will coordinate roadside cleanup and can take trash to the school of their choice to count in their numbers for the trash bowl.

  • Republic has committed to 7 trash receptacles.

  • Waste Management to go around and check the receptacles for roadside trash.

  • Marketing materials to align with the trash bowl: Road signs (with quirky sayings), flyers, etc. Banner at the winning school.

  • Students participating in the trash bowl makes them eligible for the scholarship program.

  • The schools participating are:

1) East – 8/27 6pm-9pm

2) RS Central – 8/27 6pm-9pm

3) Chase – 9/3 6pm-9pm

4) Thomas Jefferson – 9/3 6pm-9pm

5) Lake Lure Classical

6) Masters Academy

7) Trinity

  • Roxi will be at the high school football games on the dates listed above. Volunteers needed for the times listed.

  • Potential to ask a student "mascot in training" to possibly take on the role of Rocky at games.

  • Prior to the trash Bowl, Roxi will make a big deal about going to Thomas Jefferson to retrieve the trophy.

  • Green Business Standard will be kicked off by the time of the trash bowl. The goal is for the individual businesses to be a part of this clean up initiative and clean up their own properties.

  • Think Sculptures are reaching other counties and working into their inspirations for their cleanup programs.

  • KRCB T-shirts to be recreated.

  • Scholarship winner, Emma Rodgers, to create a video for KRCB.

  • Looking into expanding social media outreach: Instagram, tik tok, youtube, etc.

  • Asking committee members to reach out to past and prospective team leaders for a chat about upcoming littler pickups.

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PO Box 1349

Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Proudly Created by Artifacturing

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