Keep Rutherford County Beautiful
Litter Committee Meeting Agenda
June 16th, 10:30am, Spindale House
Attendees: Scott Webber, Jamie Barwick, Jenna Bailey, Brian Leber, Jess Kerr, Taylor Hardin
I. Litter Chair Elect : Jenna Bailey agreed to be the temporary chair until Jess position is filled
Spring Litter Sweep
a. Paid Pickups: Still looking for a company
b. Volunteer Pickups: Sping litter sweep: 330 bags, 2.5 tons
III. Tarp Your Load: County is open to reviewing the didea. Details needs to be submitted to
the county by January ’23 for budget consideration. Brian is sending what other areas are doing to Jenna.
IV. Public Awareness: Discussed ideas to be thinking about for Sping ‘23
V. Next meeting: August 18th at 11am at The Spindale House
Other items:
Trash Bowl: Last two weeks of September, 16-30th
Jenna and Taylor to determine Roxi dates
Look into what community service and work release inmates as an option for litter pick up