Keep Rutherford County Beautiful
Full Committee Agenda
July 18th, 2023
Woodrow Jones Conference Room, 2pm
In attendance: Jenna Bailey, Clark Poole, Don Cason, Amber St. Clair, Amanda Byers, Allegra Lucas, Taylor Hardin, Dr. Brock Hefflin, Dana Bradley
I. Welcome — Jenna Bailey
II. Committee Reports
a. Administration Report — Don Cason, Chair
i. Budget
ii. Ruffton Recycling Grant
Rutherfordton did not qualify this time around, will try again
iii. Non-profit / funding status progress
Met with Community Foundation - preliminary discussions.
Meeting with Travis Hudgins CPA in the next couple of weeks
(Aug 15th? 17th is a no for Travis, Don Cason might need to change to 14th or 16th - Amanda Byers to check)
Note: 501c3 - can take contributions. 501c6 - cannot take contributions.
TDA has a committee, Relocate Rutherford, that is meeting mid to late August - the towns will talk about and look at and discuss the litter ordinances
b. Education / Marketing Report – Amanda Byers, Chair
i. Volunteer Rutherford
Organization that holds workshops/events about how to reach more volunteers
Amanda Byers reached out to get on their email list
Volunteer Fair at Senior Center coming up
Meeting July 26th @8:30am at the Habitat Office
They’re looking to possibly have an event at ICC as well to recruit students
ii. Litter Bowl School Visits
We need to communicate to the schools/participants that the rules have changed - no large items are allowed anymore
iii. Hilltop Festival - Oct. 7th
We will have a booth with some merch/yard signs/shirts if we have them
iv. Awareness + Merchandise
Yard Signs & keeping merchandise backstocked in general is expensive →if someone wants to order merchandise, we will give them an invoice and then order them
Dr. Brock Hefflin suggested car window + bumper stickers - if we do this we would need to find a sponsor
Dr. Brock Hefflin suggested we reach out to churches/ multi-church meeting groups about pickups (spread awareness about KRCB & the community service opportunities it presents)
c. Litter Report – Jenna Bailey on behalf of Chair, Gabe Isaac
i. Spring Litter Sweep Totals: 4,185lbs. / 279 bags, 189 volunteers (last year: 330 bags, 150 volunteers)
○ Team Cobblestone - Bostic Sunshine Hwy
○ Team Meta - Old Caroleen Rd.
○ Team Sunshine - Bostic Sunshine Hwy
○ Team Bill’s Creek - Bill’s Creek in Lake Lure
○ Team Stacey - Jack Moore Mountain & Hollis Rd.
○ Team Befesa & KRCB Arbor Day
○ Team TDA - Coxe Rd. from Union Rd. to Baber Rd.
○ Team Lions Club - Westbrook & Thompson Rds
○ Team Boys Camp Road - Boys Camp Rd.
○ Team ROC/James Madison University - Laurel Hill
○ Team ROC - Thermal Belt Rail Trail
○ Team ROC & LLCA 7th grade - Dittmer Watts Trail & Hwy 9 by Ingles
○ Team Amanda - Clark Rd.
○ Team Magnolia House - Riverside Drive & Hayes Drive FC
○ Team Foothills Realtor Association of North Carolina: Hillside Plaza
○ Spindale Police & Fire Departments: Thermal Belt Rail Trail
● Paid Pickup totals: 9,000+lbs. / 616 bags
(around 70 miles, 30 from our list)
○ Paid Pickup: Hudlow Rd., Whitesides Rd., Rock Corner Rd., Cherry Mountain St., Andrew Mills Rd., Old US 74
Hwy, Piney Ridge. Rd., Chase High Rd., Bostic Sunshine Hwy, Poors Ford Rd., Doggett Rd., Pointer Rd., Henson
Rd., Ellenboro Henrietta Rd., Avondale Landfill Rd.,
Dobbins Rd., Henry Jenkins Rd., Island Ford
Intersection, 4 way stop @ Chase Baptist
● NCDOT: 10,000+lbs.
● Total: 23,185lbs.
Taylor Hardin waiting to hear back from the pickup crew about a specific road that Dr. Brock Hefflin reported
Rutherford County GIS:
Clark Poole suggestion: if we request a map, it should be the most current. We could put it on a poster board and flag/highlight them throughout the year. This might not be the best way to go about choosing roads, because KAB requires affiliates to pick up & rate the same list of roads annually in order to track progress. However, it could be a good way to highlight roads we notice that need help.
ii. Litter Bowl ‘23
iii. Yard Signs
● Rotating Set:
○ August - Taylor Hardin
○ September - Amber Saint Clair
○ October - Maddie Summers
○ November & December: George & Marian Moyer
iv. Looking Ahead
Litter Bowl: September 15th-25th
No large objects, only what can fit in bag
No ballot boxes
Solid Waste had to come out about 5 different times last year - part of the decision to not do large items
Could we negotiate a day or 2 when people could take their trash to the landfill without a tipping fee? Might end up costing the county less? Ask James Kilgo
Jenna Bailey to get in contact with Kyle from Republic Services
Trophy Presentation early October
○ Committee members getting commitments from high
i. Chase HS - Amber St. Clair
ii. East Rutherford HS - George & Marian Moyer
iii. LLCA - Amber St. Clair
iv. Master’s Academy - Maddie Summers
v. REaCH - Maddie Summers
vi. Rutherford Opportunity Center - Gabe Isaac
vii. R-S Central HS - Maddie Summers
viii. TJCA - Elizabeth Randall & Taylor Hardin
● Fall Paid Pickup
○ Hollis Rd.
d. Executive Director Report – Jenna Bailey
i. Programming
Leave No Trace
Recycle Right RC
ii. Social Media Wrap Up
iii. 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
● Budget Review & Approval
Litter Bowl & RecycleBots budgets increased (to accommodate for one more school added to Litter Bowl, and RecycleBots participation doubling and predicted to continue to grow)
Could we merge the Beautification project + Public Awareness Project?
Green Business Project - maybe instead we approach businesses to sponsor projects like Pawns in the Park (maybe checkers this time)
Motion to approve budget by Clark Poole and to let other board members approve by email, seconded by Amanda Byers
iv. Committee goal statements & sign ups
● Litter Co-Chair needed
Meeting adjourned 3:15pm
Next meeting — Full Committee — Tuesday, September 19th, 2pm, Woodrow Jones Community Hall