Keep Rutherford County Beautiful Executive Board Meeting
July 11th, 2023
Woodrow Jones P.O. Box, 1pm
In attendance: Jenna Bailey, Don Cason, Amanda Byers, Taylor Hardin, Maddie Summers, Allegra Lucas
Welcome — Jenna Bailey
Executive Board meetings prior to each Full Committee meeting
Taylor Hardin to send out invites to chair heads
Litter Bowl: proposal to increase to $3,575.00
Recycle Bot - proposal to increase to $3,100.00
Do we keep Fan Favorite on social media? (time-consuming) - chairs vote Yes
Roxi - TDA gives free time with Taylor as Roxi - something to keep in mind
Non-profit status
Amanda Byers reached out to Travis Hudgins. He would be wiling to put together a powerpoint presentation and meet with Jenna Bailey and Don Cason and/or the rest of the executive board.
Approximately $200 for application (from Travis)
up to thousands for application (from other sources)
Could take up to a year to get 501c3 status
Volunteer Rutherford
Aug 16th - Volunteer Fair @ Senior Center - do we want to set up a booth?
We need a larger volunteer base to decrease admin costs
They put on a volunteer banquet, awards ceremony, give praise to volunteers
Volunteer Fair is one month before Litter Bowl so could be appropriate
Recruit active seniors
Certified Green Business
On hold, no one talking control of it currently