Thursday, February 15th at 10:30 am, Spindale House
Attendees: Gabe Isaac, Allegra Lucas, Jenna Bailey, Scott Webber, George Moyer, Marian Moyer, Maddie Summers, Cindy Cobb, James Kilgo, Eddie Mote
Trash Bowl/Litter Bowl: from last meeting:
Rules with Visual Aids/Photos needed by March
Collection Day?
Large items - do they place in a roped off area
Signage - pictures? that determines acceptable items
Or take a picture of a large item that would be unsafe to move, and we pick it up
Litter Bowl Dates?
Usually September, prep in August
Facility Tours:
Dump Tour in Rutherfordton, January 18th, 1pm
Curbside Management in Asheville, February 8th
-Gabe and Allegra to combine notes for an article about what we learned
-field trips for kids?
-James to speak at the Lion’s Club next month maybe - do we go to different businesses and organizations and talk to them and educate?
-Leave No Trace curriculum could fit with a dump tour
-Do we go to the Chamber? Combine Green Business + Beautification - plaque with business name on a beautification project
-Town meetings
-March Board Meeting - 3rd Monday, 3/20 - is a good time to bring awareness to the towns
Meeting Times – do we want to change the meeting time?
Committee Member Participation:
Statement for recruitment
QR code to sign-up
URL for sign-up
Committee Member roles:
Contact past teams leaders about signing up again
Help build kits
Marc 31st on - every Friday morning in April - George & Marian Moyer can do some days, Maddie Summers
Woodrow Jones building
Sign up for desired collection area(s)
Speak to local groups about forming teams (Civic groups, corporations, businesses, churches, etc) - February 23rd Chamber, 11:30am, 138 Pop Square, let Cindy Cobb know. Sponsorship is $300. April - flat screen TV info & window decoration - Young Professionals to sponsor a piece as a trade.
Post flyers around the county
Media outreach
Deborah Holt Noelle - PBS? North Carolina Weekend
March RoCo Ride Along - Need 8 Members, 6 Reporting - takes 4-5 hours:
1. Amanda Byers, 2. James Kilgo, 3. Eddie Mote. 4. Allegra Lucas, 5. Taylor Hardin, 6. Elizabeth Randall, 7. Jenna Bailey, and 8. Gabe Isaac
KAB likes to see a .25 increase
March 10th or 17th? Allegra to send out email to coordinate
Spring Litter Sweep: 1. Paid Pickups, 2. Rotating Road Signs, 3. Department of Transportation
-Retired Military Group - contacted George, 10 people to pick up Walmart
-Paid Pickup - NCDOT turned us down for $100/mile, Taylor reaching out to other options -would they take money from the state? Jenna to email Matt. Do they pay the tipping fee or does KRCB?
Environmental Quality Grant (Due Mid Feb) -Rutherfordton applying - due Feb 16 - find out May/June - July 1st receive funds if we get to the grant
Kiwanis Park Chessboard Collaboration
RecycleBot Challenge - Due 4/7
Green Scholarship - Due 3/31
ICC Expo - all day 3/31 (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
-request a projector to play a video
Library Fashion to Fabulous Event
Keep Rutherford County Beautiful Litter Subcommittee – April TBD - working month, all about execution - no meetings. Next meeting - June TBD, Ga
Full Committee – March 21st, 2023 @ 2pm, Woodrow Jones Building