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December 6th, 2022 - Keep RC Beautiful Marketing & Education Committee Agenda

Keep RC Beautiful Staff

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Attendees: Jenna Bailey, James Kilgo, Eddie Mote, Amanda Byers, Clark Poole, Allegra Lucas

I. Keep America Beautiful Affiliate Packet

  • Pledge forms as board members

  • Beautification Project

    1. Rail Trail is trying to beautify - could we collaborate? (planting trees, flower beds)

    2. Purple Martin Greenway

    3. Between FC and Spindale - neutral zone, near North State Gas, beneath the billboard there is quite a mess

    4. Behind Old Susanna

    5. Partner with TBRT & volunteer the manpower

    6. What projects can we do for each town - county-wide focus

II. 2023 Planning

  • Ride Along

    1. Amanda, James, Eddie, Allegra, Taylor, Elizabeth, Gabe

  • Donation Kiosks

    1. Make the kiosks informational

  • Certified Green Business

  • Merch / Awareness / Rewards

    1. Yard Signs – $22/ea cost if you buy 1, retailing for $25

    2. Shirts – retail $20/ea

    3. Stickers – Logo, Keep Your Load Off the Road retail $2

  • Spring Litter Sweep (Earth Month)

  • RecycleBots (Earth Month)

  • Scholarship (spring)

  • ICC SciFest (Earth Month)

  • Kiwanis Park Chessboard Colab (Earth Month) - info board about chess and recycling

    1. County library system is represented: do we invite other towns? FC?

    2. Roxi and Rocki are the king and queen pieces

    3. KRCB to supply tires for the bases

    4. Good for public awareness

  • Trash Bowl 2023 (fall)

  • Festivals

  • Ag Day

    1. Booth, maybe Roxi or Rocki

  • Homeschool Day @ Chimney Rock State Park (Earth Month)

  • Rotating Road Signs

  • Department of Environmental Quality Grant / Rutherfordton partnership

    1. Town wants to apply for a grant ($15-20,000) for different bins for residents

    2. Increase amount of recycling and lower amount of contamination

    3. Town of Ruth at 16% contamination - a good percentage would be 8-10% (convenience centers are 4-5% because they are monitored). Average of 13% across the board.

    4. We would be tasked with education, participation

    5. Must be county-wide: make an intentional effort to meet with every town manager, each town can apply for the grant or should at least be informed

    6. Nelon collects trash in Lake Lure & Chimney Rock

    7. Ellenboro - Republic Services collects their trash

    8. Bostic collects their own but they do not run recycle - they take it to convenience center

II. Next meetings

  • Keep America Beautiful Training – January 17th, 2023 @ 12pm, Woodrow Jones Building

  • Full Committee – January 17th, 2023 @ 2pm, Woodrow Jones Building

  • Tour of the Dump – January 18th, 2023 @ 1pm – 658 Laurel Hill Dr. Rutherfordton, NC 28139

  • Marketing/Education – February 7th, 2023

Asheville trip - 10 people, two groups of 5. February - we can sign up once we know free dates. Often Fridays.

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PO Box 1349

Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Proudly Created by Artifacturing

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