Attendees: Jenna Bailey, James Kilgo, Eddie Mote, Amanda Byers, Clark Poole, Allegra Lucas
I. Keep America Beautiful Affiliate Packet
Pledge forms as board members
Beautification Project
Rail Trail is trying to beautify - could we collaborate? (planting trees, flower beds)
Purple Martin Greenway
Between FC and Spindale - neutral zone, near North State Gas, beneath the billboard there is quite a mess
Behind Old Susanna
Partner with TBRT & volunteer the manpower
What projects can we do for each town - county-wide focus
II. 2023 Planning
Ride Along
Amanda, James, Eddie, Allegra, Taylor, Elizabeth, Gabe
Donation Kiosks
Make the kiosks informational
Certified Green Business
Merch / Awareness / Rewards
Yard Signs – $22/ea cost if you buy 1, retailing for $25
Shirts – retail $20/ea
Stickers – Logo, Keep Your Load Off the Road retail $2
Spring Litter Sweep (Earth Month)
RecycleBots (Earth Month)
Scholarship (spring)
ICC SciFest (Earth Month)
Kiwanis Park Chessboard Colab (Earth Month) - info board about chess and recycling
County library system is represented: do we invite other towns? FC?
Roxi and Rocki are the king and queen pieces
KRCB to supply tires for the bases
Good for public awareness
Trash Bowl 2023 (fall)
Ag Day
Booth, maybe Roxi or Rocki
Homeschool Day @ Chimney Rock State Park (Earth Month)
Rotating Road Signs
Department of Environmental Quality Grant / Rutherfordton partnership
Town wants to apply for a grant ($15-20,000) for different bins for residents
Increase amount of recycling and lower amount of contamination
Town of Ruth at 16% contamination - a good percentage would be 8-10% (convenience centers are 4-5% because they are monitored). Average of 13% across the board.
We would be tasked with education, participation
Must be county-wide: make an intentional effort to meet with every town manager, each town can apply for the grant or should at least be informed
Nelon collects trash in Lake Lure & Chimney Rock
Ellenboro - Republic Services collects their trash
Bostic collects their own but they do not run recycle - they take it to convenience center
II. Next meetings
Keep America Beautiful Training – January 17th, 2023 @ 12pm, Woodrow Jones Building
Full Committee – January 17th, 2023 @ 2pm, Woodrow Jones Building
Tour of the Dump – January 18th, 2023 @ 1pm – 658 Laurel Hill Dr. Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Marketing/Education – February 7th, 2023
Asheville trip - 10 people, two groups of 5. February - we can sign up once we know free dates. Often Fridays.