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Keep RC Beautiful Staff

August 24th, 2023 - Marketing & Edu. Committee Meeting

Keep Rutherford County Beautiful

Marketing & Education Committee Meeting Agenda

Thursday, August 24th, 12:30pm, Mi Pueblito Rutherfordton

Attendees: Amanda Byers, Allegra Lucas, Clark Poole, James Kilgo, Jenna Bailey, Taylor Hardin

  1. Old Business

    1. Outreach

    2. Limiting our efforts going forward to stay within budget

    3. Relying more on volunteers to run events

      1. How do we get more volunteers?

  2. Facebook/IG report - Allegra

    1. July

      1. Impressions: 1,426 (down 30.2%)

      2. Engagements: 57 (down 61%)

      3. Engagement Rate: 4% (down 44%)

      4. Total Audience: 1,431 (increase .8%)

      5. Audience Growth: 10 (400% more growth than 2 new followers in June)

    2. August

      1. Impressions: 2,429 (up 82.9%)

      2. Engagements: 158 (up 198.1%)

      3. Engagement Rate: 6.5% (up 63%)

      4. Total Audience: 1,438 (up .5%)

      5. Audience Growth: 7 (down 12.5% from last month 10 followers)

      6. During July we had slowed down on the amount of posts due to budget constraints. We posted more in August and our numbers are going back up. We expect to see a big surge in engagement, impressions and audience growth in September as we post about the Litter Bowl.

  3. Rotating Signage (When/Where next).

    1. Signs getting stolen

    2. We only have 4 yard signs left, we used to have 12

    3. People notice change - we will move the signs more often going forward

    4. Push for private citizens and businesses etc. to purchase yard signs during Earth Month

    5. FB posts reminding people that yard signs are for sale

  4. Need a Rocki (Even a litter bug would be nice in the future)

    1. McNair Foundation

      1. They are ready to push out directly any event that we have coming up to their students and gave permission to tag in social media going forward

    2. Reach out to schools

    3. Post on social media

  5. Attended 2 meetings with Volunteer Rutherford ($25 Membership - Did we pay?) and started marketing

  6. Volunteer Fair at Senior Center 8/16/23 (Success?)

    1. Amanda attended & got contact info of interested seniors

    2. Less mobile seniors, even if they can’t help physically but still want to volunteer, can be an advocate, spread the word, and get their children and grandchildren involved

  7. Reached McNair and they are ready to push out directly any event that we have coming up to their students and gave permission to tag in social media going forward.

  8. New Business

    1. ICC Big Blue Welcome 8/30 (11am-1pm and 4pm-6pm) Volunteers & Supplies

      1. Outdoors

      2. Amanda - 11-1

      3. We need a table and a tent

      4. Roxi cannot attend (Taylor and Elizabeth both unavailable that day)

    2. ICC Paint the Campus Blue 10/21 (10-2) Polk/Rutherford Campuses Volunteers & Supplies

    3. Mountain Breeze running a volunteer series

    4. Reach HomeSchool Groups

      1. No bins in the Litter Bowl this year so easier for them to participate

      2. They would need a representative to hold supplies with NCDOT official bags

    5. Reach County Wide (how do we reach more people with Litter Sweeps and Volunteers in general)

      1. Amanda to reach out to REaCH

    6. Work on becoming a Non-Profit for Fundraising purposes. Met with an accountant … more to follow during the full board meeting next month.

      1. Travis Hudgins CPA not charging for services

      2. Ask Don Cason about allocating funds from maybe paid pickup to go towards becoming a nonprofit

    7. Litter Bowl school mascot visits

    8. Chase and East playing at East same night as RS and TJ

  9. Next Meetings

    • Executive Meeting -

    • Full Committee - Tuesday, September 19th, 2pm, Woodrow Jones Community Hall

    • Litter Committee - Tuesday, October 17th, 10:30am - 12:00pm, Spindale House

Meeting adjourned at 1:45pm

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