Keep Rutherford County Beautiful
Litter Committee Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 23rd, 10:30am, Spindale House
Attendees: Gabe Isaac, Jenna Bailey, Allegra Lucas, Amber Saint Clair, George Moyer, Marian Moyer, James Kilgo, Eddie Mote, Jon Hoyle
Old Business
Spring Litter Sweep
For next year, reach out to college service groups on their spring break (reach out in November, spring breaks probably around March) - Gabe to see if ROC can combine litter pickups with other service opportunities for these groups
New Business
Litter Bowl
School Commitments
LLCA, RS Central, TJCA and ERHS committed so far
The ROC - Liz Powell & Susan Quinn to be school reps if we get the final commitment
Rep Services cannot supply the bins this year due to a supply issue
GFL (Polk County) is a possible option to approach - contact Victor Morales
Conclusion: no bins used. The Litter Bowl will be treated as a sweep, bags left on the side of the road for NCDOT collection. Motion made by Gabe Isaac to turn the Litter Bowl into a sweep format, seconded by George Moyer.
Bags only - large items are a safety concern
Instruction cards with the new rules printed out with the supply kits given to each school representative - add a QR code to the pickup report on these
Some type of scoreboard/poster at each school with a large bag count to boost competitiveness (because there are no bins for students to see fill up bit by bit)
Mascot visits
Have SRO at schools guard Roxi at games?
Pickup Groups
For Litter Bowl, reach out to old previous groups
Pizza parties or some reward/celebration after the Litter Bowl if we can find a sponsor
Announce winner at football game to involve community as well as students and raise awareness and get people excited to participate next year
Yard Signs
Rotating Set:
September - Amber Saint Clair
October - Maddie Summers
November & December: George & Marian Moyer
Woodrow Jones as the dropoff point
Kit making: September 12th, 9am, Woodrow Jones. George and Marian Moyer and Gabe Isaac
Committee Co-Chair
Next Meetings
Full Committee - Tuesday, September 19th, 2pm, Woodrow Jones Community Hall
Litter Committee - Tuesday, October 17th, 10:30am - 12:00pm, Spindale House