Litter sub-committee meeting
Members Present: James Kilgo, Jenna Bailey, Dana Bradley, George Moyer, Marian Moyer, Scott Webber
Others Present: Karen Tegen
Topics Discussed/Brief Overview:
Jenna updated the Litter Sweep flyer & put ROC’s phone number on them, and passed them out along with new sign-up sheets.
James Kilgo will ask Alma to post them on the FB page. Jenna is to add her as an administrator.
Jenna will send out a digital copy of the flyers.
Roxi and Rocki will be making an appearance at the county bike helmet fittings.
Tuesday Feb. 11th there will be a news story about the helmet fittings on channel 7.
Jenna researched Vests and gloves. $8 / vest in budget. Vests w/o pocket with logo, s,m,l, $4/vest online and gloves $2 each. Should be able to get both.
Present for the April 17th 11-12:30 litter sweep distribution at Woodrow Jones will be James Kilgo, Dana Bradley, The Moyers, Scott Webber, Jenna Bailey, Karen Tegen.
It was decided not to have supply pick-up or drop off be at the library in the afternoon anymore, because no one ever showed up to those.
Jenna suggested buying pins to hand out for team leaders.
Supply drop-off set for April 27th 11:00 – 12:30 at Woodrow Jones – Moyers volunteered to be there.
Karen announced that the $4,000 refunded by the camera company would be used to do 40 miles of roadway clean up by a paid cleaning crew.
It was recommended that in the future, more emphasis may be needed to obtain funding to do the cleaning crew clean-ups since the situation is so bad.
Date, Time, and Location of next meeting: Friday, April 17th, 9:30 am @ Woodrow Jones (working meeting)